made it a third of the way through our issue-by-issue look at Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine. In this series we take a detailed look at
each issue. For our capsule history of the magazine, go here.
Cover art: Bruce Heapps
Publications, Inc.
& Chairman: S. Edward Orenstein
Sidney Z. Gellman
Vice-Presidents: Leon Garry, Eric
Publisher: S. Edward Orenstein
Leon Garry
Publisher and Consulting Editor: Carol
Director: Eric Protter
T.E.D. Klein
Editor: Jane Bayer
Editor: Robert Sabat
Assistant: Judy Linden
Editors: Thomas M. Disch, Gahan
Director: Michael Monte
Director: Wendy Mansfield
Production: Susan Lindeman, Carol
Sun, Lori Hollander
Irma Landazuri
Director: Stephen J. Fallon
Thomas Schiff
to the Publisher: Penny Layne
Relations Mgr.: Jeffrey Nickora
Mgr.: Chris Grossman
Ass’t: Annmarie Pistilli
Ass’t: Zuleyma Guevara
Director: William D. Smith
Mgr.: Carole A. Harley
Ass’t: Katherine Lys
Cirulation Manager: Jacqueline Doyle
Circ. Mgr.: Hank Rosen
Coast Circ. Mgr.: Gary Judy
Manager: Rachel Britapaja
Production Manager: Marina Despotakis
Representatives: Barney O’Hara &
--In the Twilight Zone: “Unmasking time
. . .” by T.E.D. Klein
--Other Dimensions: Screen by Gahan
--Other Dimensions: Books by Thomas M.
--Other Dimensions: The ‘Heroes &
Heavies’ Quiz by Kathleen Murray
--Other Dimensions: War in Fantasyland
by Baird Searles
--Other Dimensions: Etc.
--The Evil Dead (review) by Stephen King
--John Carpenter: Doing His Own Thing
(interview) by James Verniere
--“Hell Is Murky” by John Alfred Taylor
--Required Reading: “Levitation” by
Joseph Payne Brennan
--“The Opening” by Bruce Boston
--TZ Screen Preview: Halloween III by James Verniere
--Country of the Dead by Randy Chisholm
(photos) & John Bensink (text)
--“Night Cry” by Katherine M. Turney
--“The Spook Man” by Al Sarrantonio
--“The Circle” by Lewis Shiner
--“Halloween Girl” by Robert Grant
--“The Screenplay” by Joseph Cromarty
--“The Smell of Cherries” by Jeffrey
--Show-by-Show Guide: TV’s Twilight
Zone: Party Twenty by Marc Scott Zicree
--TZ Classic Teleplay: “A Quality of
Mercy” by Rod Serling
--Looking Ahead: In December’s TZ
the Twilight Zone: “Unmasking time . . .” by T.E.D Klein
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T.E.D. Klein |
gets straight to the contributor bios in this Halloween-themed issue. Among the
highlights: the return of Gahan Wilson as films reviewer, an essay on The Evil Dead by
Stephen King, an interview with John Carpenter, required reading from Joseph
Payne Brennan, Halloween stories by Al Sarrantonio, Lewis Shiner, and Robert
Grant, a preview of Halloween III, and
a feature on unusual epitaphs. The “Unmasking time” of the title refers to
Klein’s inclusion of photographs of some of the TZ Magazine staff. There are
photos of Klein, publisher Leon Garry, editorial director Eric Protter,
managing editor Jane Bayer, assistant editor Robert Sabat, art department
members Susan Lindeman, Lori Hollander, Michael Monte, Wendy Mansfield, Carol
Sun, and Irma Landazuri, production director Stephen J. Fallon, and advertising
production manager Marina Despotakis.
Dimensions: Screen by Gahan Wilson
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Poltergeist |
ambitious upon his return to the magazine, Wilson reviews three notable films: E.T.: The Extra Terrestrial (1982), The Thing (1982), and
Poltergeist (1982). Since E.T. and The Thing feature aliens as characters, Wilson expounds upon the pros and cons of
what he terms the “NHL,” or non-human lead, especially as it refers to E.T.
Wilson is enthusiastic in his review of
Steven Spielberg’s film, especially the performances of child actors Henry
Thomas and Drew Barrymore, the special effects from Carlo Rimbaldi, Spielberg’s
direction, and the script by Melissa Mathison, the writer who rewrote Richard
Matheson’s adaptation of George Clayton Johnson’s “Kick the Can” for Twilight
Zone: the Movie (1983). Wilson’s review of John Carpenter’s The
Thing (subject of the TZ Screen Preview
in the July, 1982 issue) is largely positive with particular praise for the
script from Bill Lancaster, Rob Bottin’s special makeup effects, and the
successful updating of the material. Wilson takes issue with the design of the
spaceship upon which the Thing arrives on Earth, feeling that it does not makes
sense for the amorphous physiology of the Thing to be able to pilot such a
vehicle. Fan theories have suggested that the Thing arrived as a stowaway on
the spacecraft, having attacked and absorbed the lifeform onboard. John
Carpenter, the director of The Thing, is
the interview subject in this issue. Finally, Wilson tackles the funhouse spook
film Poltergeist, directed by Tobe
Hooper and produced by Steven Spielberg. Wilson praises the cast but finds
fault with the film’s kitchen-sink approach, throwing everything at the viewer
while taking little time to explain anything. The film’s troubled production is
also briefly touched upon.
Dimensions: Books by Thomas M. Disch
is in acerbic form in this review column as he cuttingly examines four novels.
Disch first takes his critical knife to Mickelsson’s
Ghosts by John Gardner. Disch writes:
“Gardner writes precisely the sort of over-earnest, symbol-laden tome that is
to the college writers’ workshop what the Model A was to Detroit. I can imagine
no one reading Mickelsson’s Ghosts with
pleasure except the more plodding students of Creative Writing, whose faith in
the eventual triumph of the patient imitation of approved models finds in
Gardner a kind of messiah.” Richard A. by
Sol Yurick fares little better under Disch’s critical eye. The prose style is
Disch’s primary point of contention and he offers an excerpt of purple prose as
example. His final judgment: “It’s only paper. Burn it.” Disch also suggests
burning John Shirley’s Cellars, a
horror novel currently gaining new and appreciative readers through a
resurgence of interest in paperback horror novels of the 1980s. Disch is not a
fan, however, and concludes this way: “So it goes, the grue alternating with
the hokum for 295 pages of prose that is eighty-five percent pulp padding and
fifteen percent amplified scream. There is, I will admit, an aesthetic to
screaming, and Shirley’s shriller screams can get to your crystal ware, but
screaming is, as a general rule, less effective on the printed page than in
rock music, where the silly lyrics are blessedly incomprehensible and the beat
goes on. Novels, alas, don’t have a rhythm section to keep them moving – so
when the pages refuse to turn: burn, baby, burn.” The final book under the
knife is Battlefield Earth by L. Ron
Hubbard. Disch characterizes the book as “to other, ordinary dumb books what a
Dyson sphere is to an ordinary lampshade – awesomely much bigger, though not
different in kind.” Disch criticizes the bits of autobiography that Hubbard
includes in the opening of the book, as well as the old-fashioned feel of the
novel. Disch admits, however, that the novel will almost certainly be a
critical and commercial success. A large advertisement for Battlefield
Earth is featured at the end of the
column. Disch included a portion of this review column, the section dealing
with Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth, in
his 2005 essay collection On SF.
Dimensions: The ‘Heroes & Heavies’ Quiz by Kathleen Murray
quiz this month challenges the reader to match the hero or heroine of horror
movies with the bad guys who terrorize them. Below are the quiz and the answers
for those who wish to take the challenge.
Illustration by Jonathan Lewis

Dimensions: Etc.

Evil Dead’ Why you haven’t seen it yet . . . and why you ought to” by Stephen
“While on the scene at Cannes, the
author stumbled upon – well, not gold, exactly,
but plenty of great gore.

Carpenter: Doing His Own Thing by James Verniere
“With Firestarter still ahead, The
Thing’s director talks about his lifelong love of horror movies, the spate
of films spawned by his Halloween, and
the perils of remaking – or appearing to remake – a cult classic.”

Is Murky” by John Alfred Taylor
Illustrated by Steve Byram
“They say it’s nice to have a cult
following. But not this kind of
following. And not this cult.”

was an excellent and creative story which struck that otherworldly chord which
will appeal to TZ fans. The imagery is David Lynchian in its approach and the
snap ending is capably handled. John Alfred Taylor (b. 1931) previously
appeared in the pages of TZ with the story “When the Cat’s Away . . .” in the
September, 1981 issue. Taylor appeared again with “Like a Black Dandelion” in
the Sept/Oct, 1983 issue and “The Weight of Zero” in the Jan/Feb, 1985 issue. Taylor
is a prolific short fiction writer, mainly of horror and dark fantasy fiction,
the best of which was collected by Ash Tree Press in the 2008 volume Hell Is Murky: Twenty Strange Tales. “Hell Is Murky” was reprinted in the Summer,
1985 issue of Night Cry.
Reading: “Levitation” by Joseph Payne Brennan
Illustrated by Edward Gorey
“A classic tale in which we learn that
the supernatural world has its own merciless version of Murphy’s Law.”
hypnotist at a country fair challenges a heckler to come on stage and subject
himself to the trick of levitation. When the hypnotist has a heart attack
during the trick, the unconscious, levitating man continues to rise into the
night sky.
Payne Brennan (1918-1990) was the last great name in horror fiction to emerge
from the pages of Weird Tales, selling a handful of stories to the pulp
magazine between 1952 and its demise in 1954. He is a personal favorite of mine
and, though his work can be difficult to find, I highly recommend Brennan to
anyone who enjoys well-told, traditional tales of horror and mystery. Brennan
was also a prolific and award-winning poet, a mystery writer whose stories
appeared regularly in Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, an essayist and expert on the works of H.P.
Lovecraft, and worked for forty years as an acquisitions assistant at Yale’s
Sterling Memorial Library. “Levitation” first appeared in Brennan’s 1959 Arkham
House collection Nine Horrors and a Dream, published in paperback in 1962 with a memorable cover by Richard Powers.
The collection was reprinted in 2019 by Dover. The Edward Gorey illustration
first accompanied the tale with its appearance in the 1968 anthology Hauntings:
Tales of the Supernatural, edited by
Henry Mazzeo. The story was adapted for the first season of Tales from the
Darkside from a script by David Gerrold,
directed by John Harrison, broadcast May 19, 1985. Brennan’s stories “Murder on
the Rocks” and “Goodbye, Dr. Bliss” were adapted for the second season of Boris
Karloff’s Thriller as “The Lethal
Ladies,” scripted by Boris Sobelman, directed by Ida Lupino, broadcast April
16, 1962.
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Cover by Kirk Reineret illustrating "Slime" |
-Nine Horrors and a Dream also included much of Brennan’s best work,
including the unforgettable “Slime,” a 1953 Weird Tales cover story which was likely an inspiration
for the film The Blob (1958), “The
Calamander Chest,” about a beckoning, ghostly finger, “Canavan’s Back Yard,”
about a deadly plot of land and a witch’s curse (Brennan wrote a sequel to the
tale, “Canavan Calling,” in 1985), and “The Mail for Juniper Hill,” a devilish
tale of life beyond death. Much of Brennan’s output was self-published by his
Macabre House imprint under which Brennan also published a Weird Tales-like magazine titled Macabre for nearly twenty years between 1957 and
1976. Along with Nine Horrors and a Dream, Brennan’s most readily available collection is The Shapes of
Midnight (Berkley, 1980; reprinted by
Dover in 2019 minus two tales). The original edition included an introduction
from Stephen King in which King admitted Brennan’s influence on his own work:
“Joseph Payne Brennan is one of the most effective writers in the horror genre,
and he is certainly one of the writers I have patterned my own career upon.”
King appropriated the name of a fictional town in Brennan’s works, Juniper
Hill, for the name of the fictional insane asylum in his own works. The
Shapes of Midnight included such stories
as “The Corpse of Charlie Rull,” a fast-paced, gruesome, and undeservedly
neglected zombie tale, “The Willow Platform,” a tale of ironic revenge in the
style of E.C. Comics, “The Horror at Chilton Castle,” a tale of a vampire
legacy, and the Twilight Zone-esque
“The House on Hazel Street,” in which a woman is drawn into the past through
the power of her memories.
Opening” by Bruce Boston
Illustrated by Annie Alleman
“They were strangers in the night. And
one of them was very strange.”

was a slight but enjoyable story with a snap ending from Bruce Boston (b.
1943), who is likely the most honored modern speculative poet. His poetry has
won multiple Rhysling, Asimov’s Readers’, and Bram Stoker Awards as well as the
first Grandmaster Award from the Science Fiction Poetry Association. Boston is
equally adept at prose and his stories have appeared in numerous magazines,
large and small press alike. “The Opening” was collected in Skin Trades (1988).
Screen Preview: Halloween III by
James Verniere
“This year’s entry in the seasonal
horror sweepstakes combines Celtic magic, microchips, and masks that transform
more than just your looks. James Verniere reports.”

of the Dead by Randy Chisholm (photos) & John Bensink (text)
“The original ‘silent majority’ – the
dead – may no longer be the majority. And they’re certainly not silent.”

On a marker in Paxton, Massachusetts,
for Sidney Ellis, died 1836, age seven weeks:
On a marker in Westernville, New York,
for William Reese, died 1872, age twenty-one:
is what I expected but
so soon.
And more of the like.
Cry” by Katherine M. Turney
Illustrated by Lisa Mansolillo
“That yowling cat was keeping her awake.
But what if it wasn’t a cat?”

short shocker with a nasty ending was the first, and possibly only, published
story by Katherine M. Turney, whom T.E.D. Klein informs us managed movie
theaters in Denver at the time this story was published. The title of the story
was used for TZ Magazine’s sister publication, Night Cry, which
was published from 1984-1987. Turney’s story was reprinted in the premier issue
of Night Cry, accompanied by an
illustration from D.W. Miller.
Spook Man” by Al Sarrantonio
Illustrated by Kevin Kelly
“His cape was black, his eyes were
hooded. And he was particularly fond of children.”
figure known as the Spook Man arrives in a small town and entices four
monster-loving children to enter his haunted travelling home. The Spook Man’s
home contains all manner of nightmare creatures and he has built his collection
by transforming the children he brings into his home.
Sarrantonio (b. 1952) appears again in TZ after last month’s “The Silly Stuff.”
“The Spook Man” is prime Sarrantonio, combining the author’s love of Halloween,
traditional images of horror and the macabre, and an engaging prose style to
create a story which is partly nostalgic sweetness and partly an evocation of
the sinister elements of the dark season. It is also a love letter to those of
us who have always enjoyed monsters and horror stories and the like. Sarrantonio
writes often on the subject of Halloween and “The Spook Man” is clearly an
homage to Ray Bradbury’s many writings on the season, particularly in its
poetic prose style. “The Spook Man” will recall Bradbury’s collection The October Country and, especially, his novel Something Wicked This Way Comes. “The Spook Man” was reprinted in the Fall,
1985 issue of Night Cry and collected
in Toybox (1999).
Circle” by Lewis Shiner
Illustrated by Peter Kuper
“It was the perfect story for Halloween
– and let the reader beware!”
circle of friends gathers every Halloween night to read scary stories. This
Halloween they receive a package from a fringe member of the group who was
recently pushed out of the circle. The package contains a story to be read
aloud. It concerns the group gathered on Halloween night and the act of reading
the tale traps them in a fateful course of events.
was my favorite story in the issue, a simple yet chilling and exceedingly
clever take on themes ranging from the occult, revenge, the tradition of oral
storytelling, and the politics of social groups. The title refers to the term
used to describe a group of friends as well as the effects of reading the
outcast member’s tale. Lewis Shiner (b. 1950) previously appeared in TZ with the
tales “Blood Relations,” in the May, 1981 issue, and “Tommy and the Talking
Dog” in the July, 1982 issue. “The Circle” was Shiner’s final story for TZ
though he appeared later with a story, “Dancers,” in the Summer, 1987 issue of
TZ’s sister mag, Night Cry. “The Circle” was reprinted in two Halloween
themed anthologies: 13 Horrors of Halloween (1983), edited by Isaac
Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg, and Carol-Lynn Rössel Waugh, and October
Dreams (2000), edited by Richard Chizmar
and Robert Morrish. Chizmar co-scripted a 2009 television adaptation of the
story for the short-lived anthology series Fear Itself. The episode was the final in the series and
did not air on network broadcast but was included when the series was collected
on home video. Chizmar was assisted on the script by Johnathon Schaech and the
episode was directed by Eduardo Rodriguez. The story was collected in Shiner’s Collected
Stories (Subterranean Press, 2009).
Girl” by Robert Grant
Illustrated by Harry Pincus
“It was the season, the holiday, the
night of nights. And come what may, he was going to spend it with her.”
young boy and a young girl bond over their shared love of monsters, horror, and
Halloween. The young girl grows sick and dies, leaving the young boy forlorn.
The boy grudgingly honors the customs of the next Halloween and afterwards
visits the girl’s grave to leave her his bag of trick-or-treat candy. He wakes
the following morning to evidence that she visited him later in the night.
story was a perfect example of a type of tale which is very hard to write, the
gently spooky story. More touching than chilling, the ending of the tale still
manages to satisfy much in the way of Ray Bradbury’s “The Emissary.” Like Lewis
Shiner’s “The Circle,” Grant’s “Halloween Girl” was reprinted in 13 Horrors of Halloween (1983). Grant appeared later in TZ with the story “Where You Lead . . .
I Will Follow” in the October, 1985 issue.
Screenplay” by Joseph Cromarty
Illustrated by Yvonne Buchanan
“All this talk about werewolves . . .
could Jack be trying to tell him something?”
surprises his friend Jack with a visit to discuss ideas for a screenplay. Jack
seems uncomfortable with Roger’s unexpected visit and becomes increasingly
agitated when Roger suggests a story about werewolves. In fact, Roger begins to
believe that Jack may be a werewolf himself and makes a quick exit. Jack
congratulates himself on being an actor as he got Roger to leave before Roger’s
wife arrived at Jack’s place.
humorous story with an ironic ending is courtesy of Joseph Cromarty
(1932-2016), who previously appeared with the Edgar Allan Poe spoof, “Ms. Found
in a Bottle,” in the August, 1982 issue. Cromarty appeared twice more in TZ,
with “The Neighborhood Assassin” and “Words, Words, Words,” both in the
Jan/Feb, 1984 issue.
Smell of Cherries” by Jeffrey Goddin
Illustrated by Michael Davis
“Something was spooking the night
watchmen – and it wasn’t robbers. It was just . . .
security guard is terrorized by the frightening revenants which haunt a
warehouse property which was once the site of nerve gas testing.
used his personal experience as a security guard to craft this atmospheric
tale. Anyone can imagine the uneasiness which could creep upon you if you were
left at night to guard an abandoned property. Goddin takes this idea to
horrific heights with some disturbing imagery and great moments of tension. Goddin
is a short story writer who was prolific from the late seventies through the early
nineties, publishing horror and science fiction tales in most of the notable
small press magazines, such as Weirdbook,
Eldritch Tales, Fantasy Tales, Deathrealm, and
the like. His stories have been included in Karl Edward Wagner’s The Year’s
Best Horror Stories, including “The Smell
of Cherries,” which appeared in volume XI of the series (1983). The story was also
reprinted in the anthology A Treasury of American Horror Stories (1985) and collected as the title story of a
2012 volume of Goddin’s stories from Gallows Press. Paperback collectors may know Goddin through his two horror novels
published by Leisure Books, both of which remain collectible for their cover
art: The Living Dead (1987) and Blood
of the Wolf (1987).
Guide: TV’s Twilight Zone: Part Twenty by Marc Scott Zicree
Scott Zicree continues his guide to the original television series by providing
cast and crew listings, summaries, and Rod Serling’s opening and closing narrations
for the fifth season episodes “Ninety Years Without Slumbering,” “Ring-a-Ding
Girl,” and “You Drive.”
Classic Teleplay: “A Quality of Mercy” by Rod Serling
complete shooting script of Rod Serling’s third season tale about a young,
inexperienced, cruel, and overzealous platoon leader who discovers what it
means to see through the eyes of the enemy. The episode was directed by Buzz
Kulik, starring Dean Stockwell and Albert Salmi, originally broadcast December
29, 1961. Go here for our full review of the episode.
Ahead: In December’s TZ
month looks like another great issue. December’s TZ features stories from David
J. Schow, Pamela Sargent, Mort Castle, and L.P. Hartley, the latter being the
subject of an Essential Writers essay by Jack Sullivan. The issue also features
an interview with director Ridley Scott, a preview of the science
fiction/horror film Xtro, a new quiz from William Fulwiler, and the
script for “Living Doll” by Jerry Sohl, which at this time was still solely
credited to Charles Beaumont. See you next month!