which we take a closer look at each issue of the magazine. For our capsule
history, go here.
1, Number 5 (August, 1981)
T.E.D. Klein
Art: Tito Salomoni
TZ Publications, Inc.
& Chairman: S. Edward Orenstein
Sidney Z. Gellman
Vice Presidents: Leon Garry &
Eric Protter
Publisher: S. Edward Orenstein
Leon Garry
Publisher/Consulting Editor: Carol
Director: Eric Protter
T.E.D. Klein
Editor: Jane Bayer
Editors: Gahan Wilson & Theodore
Director: Derek Burton
and Studio Production: Georg the
Design Group
Director: Edward Ernest
Thomas Schiff
Assistant: Eve Grammatas
Relations Manager: Melissa
Relations Asst: Jeffrey Nickora
Manager: Chris Grossman
Director: Denise Kelly
Assistant: Karen Wiss
Marketing: Jerry Alexander
Newsstand Consultant: Harry Sommer
Manager: Rachel Britapaja
Production Manager: Marina Despotakis
--In the Twilight Zone: Unnatural
Resources by T.E.D. Klein
--Other Dimensions: Screen by Gahan
--Other Dimensions: Books by Theodore
--George Romero: Revealing the Monsters within
Us by Tom Seligson
--“Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” by Reginald
--“Tiger of the Mind” by Ron Wolfe
--“A Friend in Need” by Lisa Tuttle
--“Four” by Douglas Jenmac
--“Midas Night” by Sam Wilson
--Writing for The Twilight Zone by George Clayton Johnson
--TZ Screen Preview: Hollywood Cries
--“The Hidden Laughter” by David Morrell
--“The Artisan” by Lori Allen
--“Identity Crisis” by James Patrick
--Dr. Van Helsing’s Handy Guide to Ghost
Stories by T.E.D. Klein (as Kurt Van Helsing)
--“The Tale the Hermit Told” by Alastair
--“The Man Who Couldn’t Remember” by
David Curtis
--“The Next Time Around” by Paul J.
--Show-by-Show Guide: TV’s Twilight
Zone, Part Five by Marc Scott Zicree
--TZ Classic Teleplay: “The Odyssey of
Flight 33” by Rod Serling
--Looking Ahead: In September’s TZ
the Twilight Zone: Unnatural Resources by
T.E.D. Klein
usual, Klein uses this space to provide biographical details about the contributors
to the issue. Klein also addresses the mix-up on the thumbnail images of the
contributors which I noted from last issue and provides the images again with
the correct attribution for each. This issue features a nice mix of established
names (Morrell, Kelly, Tuttle, Reid) and unknowns (Bretnor, Wolfe, Jenmac,
Curtis, and Nahin) as well as two very interesting feature articles.
Dimensions: Screen by Gahan Wilson
reviews The Omen III: The Final
Conflict. He gives a recap of his
thoughts on the first two Omen films
(the first film was directed by Twilight Zone alum Richard Donner and scored by TZ alum Jerry Goldsmith, the latter of whom won an Academy Award for his
work on the film) saying that both films were enjoyable, particularly the
inventively gruesome death sequences, but that the films contain an
artificiality which contradicts their efforts at verisimilitude. Wilson is not
so kind to The Final Conflict, finding
fault in virtually every aspect of the film, particularly with the dialogue in
the script, but praises the performance of Sam Neill as the adult version of
the anti-Christ, Damien.
Dimensions: Books by Theodore
is back with a look at a handful of new science fiction, fantasy, and horror
offerings. Here are his thoughts:
-The Cool War by Frederick Pohl
. . as deft a tumble into the near future as can be found anywhere.”
-Blue Adept by Piers Anthony
state it bluntly: though I’ve always admired Piers Anthony’s competence, I
never realized how serious, how penetrating, his thought could be.”
-Magic Time by Kit Reed
. . a sort of Disneyland of the future, where the (high) paying customers can
act out their fantasies.” Sturgeon describes this novel as a better version of
the films Westworld and Futureworld.
-Death of Dreaming by Jon Manchip White
. . derives from nothing in this world but the author’s head; if there’s
another book remotely like it, I’m unaware of it.” Interestingly, Sturgeon uses space here to
criticize copyeditors who insist on frequent paragraph breaks and who begin new
paragraphs with large, stylized letters. This is a practice of the magazine for
which Sturgeon is writing.
-Khai of Ancient Khem by Brian Lumley
explicit sex, some amusing, some disgusting, some bloody and violent.”
-The Whiskers of Hercules and The Man Who Was Scared by Kenneth Robeson
Savage novels #103 and #104
how I loved these things when I was in high school!”
-Death’s Angel by Kathleen Sky
authorized original Star Trek novel with a tough female as the protagonist
who goes all sophomore-soft when she gets next to Captain Kirk.”
-The Entity by Frank de Felitta
. . about a woman who gets raped a lot by a demon lover that’s ultimately
uncovered by a blast of liquid helium – all in the tradition of Stephen King.”
-Nebula Winners Fifteen edited by Frank Herbert
. . there are some very fine stories here. . .”
Romero: Revealing the Monsters within Us by Tom Seligson

Low, Sweet Chariot” by Reginald
Illustration by José Reyes
“The remnants of humanity had expected a
messenger from Heaven. But not everyone expected the message he brought.”
ecological crisis sends a rag-tag band of religious figures in search of the landing
area of a prophesized group of angels.

Bretnor was a prolific science fiction writer best known for his series of
short stories, Through Time and Space
with Ferdinand Feghoot, which appeared in
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction throughout the 1970s. Bretnor also wrote novels, poems, letters,
essays, and editorials for science fiction publications. “Swing Low, Sweet
Chariot” was never collected in book form. Bretnor died in 1992.
of the Mind” by Ron Wolfe
Illustrated by Robert Morello
“You can’t see it, but it can see you .
. . and it’s hungry.”
reporter finds a missing politician in a bar in a rough part of town and listens
as the politician describes his reason for leaving his old life behind, a story
involving nightmares and how those nightmares can invade reality if one invites
them to do so.

Wolfe wrote three horror novels in collaboration with John Wooley and became a
frequent contributor to Rod Serling’s
The Twilight Zone Magazine under editor
Tappan King when he provided a continuing series under the uniform title The
Other Side. Wolfe published a few
additional short stories in TZ Magazine and
similar publications, The Horror Show, etc. “Tiger of the Mind” was reprinted in the first issue of Night Cry magazine, the digest-sized off-shoot of the
TZ magazine.
Friend in Need” by Lisa Tuttle

Illustrated by A.G. Metcalf
“A chance encounter at an airport
becomes an exercise in memory . . . or imagination . . . or something far
young woman meets another young woman while waiting for a plane at the airport.
Both women soon come to realize that they remember each other as the imaginary
playmates of their childhoods.
is far and away the best story in the issue. Lisa Tuttle is one the most
fiercely talented science fiction, fantasy, and horror writers to come out of
the 1970s. Her first novel, Windhaven,
from the novella “The Storms of
Windhaven,” was written in
collaboration with George R. R. Martin and her short stories are award-winners
which make frequent appearances in “best of the year” collections. “A Friend in
Need” perfectly captures the strangeness of The Twilight Zone (a character even makes a reference to the Zone
when trying to puzzle out the uncanny nature
of the situation). The tale plays with the nature of both reality and identity
in a completely new way while also exploring themes of guilt, memory, and the
innocence of childhood lost. It would have made an excellent segment of the
first revival Zone television series.
Although “A Friend in Need” was not adapted for the small screen, a few of
Tuttle’s other stories did see adaptation on such anthology programs of the
time as The Hunger, Monsters, and Deadly
Nightmares. “A Friend in Need” was
included in Arthur Saha’s Year’s Best Fantasy 8 as well as in Tuttle’s underrated collection, A Nest of Nightmares.
Among the many awards Tuttle has won are
the John W. Campbell Memorial Award, the Locus Award, the Nebula Award, and the
International Horror Guild Award. A volume of Tuttle’s collected supernatural
fiction, Stranger in the House, was
released by Ash-Tree Press in 2010.
by Douglas Jenmac
Illustrated by Bob Neubecker
“In which we find a silent parking
garage . . . a stalled elevator . . . and a flight of concrete steps that is
also a stairway to hell.”
businessman gets trapped inside a parking garage of M.C. Escher-like
very slight short-short is little more than an interesting diversion about a
man who comes from a family line that has suffered an inordinate amount of
tragedy who then finds himself trapped in an impossible parking garage and
unable to escape from the 4th level. “Four” is the only speculative
fiction story published by Douglas Jenmac.
Night” by Sam Wilson
Illustrated by E.T. Steadman
“It was one of those nights when a man’s
destiny could hang by the handle of a coffee cup.”
young man who is trapped inside a diner due to the fact that three hoodlums
outside mean him harm strikes up a strange conversation with an even stranger
old man who claims to rule the world.
just a few issues of the Zone magazine it becomes apparent that T.E.D. Klein enjoyed
tales of strange encounters in bars, deli, cafés, etc. It gets a bit tiresome
and “Midas Night” is another such undistinguished tale concerning a “starving”
young artist who happens to save the life of the eccentric old man who controls
the world, thus ensuring the young man a life of great fortune. In his
editorial, Klein describes Wilson as an occasional writer who is also an
aspiring actor. Wilson published a few pieces in the 1980s and returned to
writing speculative fiction in the 2000s with the novel Zodiac and a few
more short stories.
for The Twilight Zone by George Clayton Johnson
Illustrated with images from Clayton
Johnson-scripted episodes of The Twilight
Zone, some of which are outtake photographs.
long essay originally served as the introduction (in slightly different form)
and title to Clayton Johnson’s 1980 collection of scripts and stories, Writing for the Twilight Zone. Various bits of the essay have appeared in different places, from
Clayton Johnson’s introduction to the short story “All of Us Are Dying” in
editor Harry Harrison’s Author’s Choice #4 to the later collection George Clayton Johnson, Twilight Zone
Scripts and Stories. The essay is a bit
rambling but remains a very rewarding piece for both fans of The Twilight
Zone and aspiring writers, as Clayton
Johnson discusses the genesis of his major episodes (he does not discuss
“Ninety Years Without Slumbering”), explains his writing process in great
detail, and gives a general, and unfavorable, overview of writing for
Screen Preview: Hollywood Cries Wolf!
Color section of the magazine

Michael Wadleigh, a documentary filmmaker most well-known for the film Woodstock, used The
Wolfen to examine his personal obsessions
with Native American mysticism, greatly diverging from Whitley Strieber’s source
novel in the process. John Landis and Joe Dante both came to the subject as
film fans who believed that the subject of werewolves was pliable enough to be
reimagined for the 1980s in a way which spoke to modern audiences. Landis was a
producer and director on Twilight Zone: The Movie, directing the first segment, “Time Out,” which remains infamous for the
tragic accident which occurred during filming and took the lives of actor Vic
Morrow and two young children. Joe Dante also worked on Twilight Zone: The
Movie, directing the segment which reimagined
the classic Zone episode “It’s a Good
Hidden Laughter” by David Morrell
Illustrated by Arthur Somerfield
“His wife had vanished, beyond all
reason, beyond all understanding, and perhaps the only clue lay in the lines of
a poem.”
his wife vanishes, a man cannot bring himself to leave the home which was the
last place she visited.
this tale is an enjoyable bit of the uncanny, Morrell is trying to do an awful
lot in a small space. Taking an excerpt from T.S. Eliot’s poem “Burnt Norton,”
the first poem of Eliot’s Four
Quartets, as his thematic springboard,
Morrell presents a disappearance not to
focus on grief and loss but to explore the possibility that other worlds may
exist alongside the one we find ourselves inhabiting. Morrell, who lost his young son to cancer a few years later, would explore the grief and insanity of loss
much more powerfully in subsequent works. Morrell is well-known for his first
novel, First Blood, which became the
basis for the enormously popular Rambo films.
Much of Morrell’s novels are action-based tales of intrigue and masculinity but
his short fiction often explores themes of dread and the supernatural. “The
Hidden Laughter” is included in his first collection of stories, Black
Evening: Tales of Dark Suspense, which
also includes a number of award-winning and award nominated stories. Morrell’s
tales of horror work best at novella-length and “The Hidden Laughter” is a bit
too short to accomplish what Morrell intended. In later tales, such as “The
Shrine,” “Dead Image,” or “Orange is for Anguish, Blue for Insanity,” Morrell
comes into his own as a horror writer and these tales, along with those
collected in Nightscape, come highly recommended.
Artisan” by Lori Allen
Illustrated by Charles Walker
“The poems were his, the flowers hers –
and wasn’t that a distinction worth dying for?”
subjugated wife of a poet takes murderous revenge on her husband when he makes
light of both her role in their marriage and her rock garden.

Allen wrote a handful of short science fantasy stories throughout the 1980s and
1990s, as well as two important volumes on science fiction, both in
collaboration with Dick Allen, the anthology Looking Ahead: The Vision of Science Fiction, and the nonfiction study Science Fiction: Jules Verne to Ray
Crisis” by James Patrick Kelly
Illustrated by Cannone
“It isn’t easy, dealing with fame and
fortune – especially when they’re somebody else’s!”
life of a common man begins to unravel when he is mistaken for a reclusive

Van Helsing’s Handy Guide to Ghost Stories by T.E.D. Klein (as by Kurt Van Helsing)
Illustrated with images from vintage
pulp magazines and periodicals
“The good professor offers our readers a
short (if not quite painless) course in the literature of supernatural dread.”

had a deep interest in the classic form of the supernatural story. While
attending Brown University, in Lovecraft’s town of Providence, he wrote his
honors thesis on the works of H.P. Lovecraft and crafted much of his fiction
around classic works of horror. His only novel, The Ceremonies, is
inspired by Arthur Machen’s celebrated short story “The White People” and its
earlier incarnation “The Ceremony.” Other of Klein’s stories, “The Events at
Poroth Farm” and “Black Man with a Horn” bespeak of Lovecraft’s influence. Klein
also wrote the notes for Kirby McCauley’s anthology of classic horror Beyond
Midnight. He is the perfect host for this
journey through the classic ghost story and all readers with even a passing
interest in the form are suggested to partake of Klein’s knowledgeable introductory
-The Twilight Zone dabbled in the classic ghost story or classic horror story more often
than is perhaps realized, evident in such episodes as “Judgment Night,” “The
Hitch-Hiker,” “Twenty-Two,” “Mirror Image,” “Long Live Walter Jameson,” “The
Man in the Bottle,” “Long Distance Call,” “Deaths-Head Revisited,” “The Dummy,”
“Night Call,” “Living Doll,” “The Masks,” and many more. The series was expert
at taking a classic supernatural concept and updating it for the latter part of
the 20th century. For more on the show’s connection to the classic ghost story, see our post on the subject.
Tale the Hermit Told” by Alastair
Illustrated by José Reyes
tale, written in verse, describes a young man seduced by a gypsy woman to drink
a golden wine which contains the inhabitants of a celebratory fair, which the
man carries within him for the remainder of his days.
is clearly attempting to capture the ballad style of the old fairy tales with
this amusing but light offering. Reid’s central image, the golden wine which
holds the people and music of a country fair, is interesting but
underdeveloped. Even so, it is a nice harkening back to an earlier style of
is well-known as a poet and for his work translating South American writers into
English. Reid’s speculative works are few and far between, with a handful of
poems of fantasy finding their way into anthologies by such noted anthologist
as August Derleth and Terri Windling.
Man Who Couldn’t Remember” by David
Illustrated by Frances Jetter
“Fred was an exterminator, poison was his
profession. But then, one day, he glanced into the pit.”
termite exterminator discovers the underground lair of a mutated colony of
insects and is forever altered by the experience.
I don’t think this story fits the magazine I enjoyed the gonzo quality of the
horror and the bizarre nature of the supernatural element in this story. If you’re afraid of
insects, this one will make you squirm. Curtis published only a few speculative
short stories but is active in the field in other ways, including as an
essayist and occasional cover artist.
Next Time Around” by Paul J. Nahin
Illustrated by Robert Morello
“When you’re speeding down the highway
at 70 m.p.h., what better time to think about life . . . and death?”
man contemplates the possibility of reincarnation while traveling down a desert
short-short is funny and surprising but feels a little too much like an
extended joke. Klein likely included the story to fill in a couple of needed
pages in the issue.
Guide: TV’s Twilight Zone: Part Five by
Marc Scott Zicree
Scott Zicree continues his guide to the original series by providing summaries,
along with Rod Serling’s opening and closing narrations, for the following
season two episodes: “Dust,” “Back There,” “The Whole Truth,” “The Invaders,” “A
Penny for Your Thoughts,” “Twenty-Two,” “The Odyssey of Flight 33,” “Mr.
Dingle, the Strong,” and “Static,” all of which we’ve covered in our ongoing
episode guide.
Classic Teleplay: “The Odyssey of Flight 33” by Rod Serling

Ahead: In September’s TZ
around next issue is an excellent interview with core Twilight Zone contributor
Richard Matheson, accompanied by Robert Martin’s look at Matheson in the
Movies, Theodore Sturgeon’s look at
George Clayton Johnson’s Writing for the Twilight Zone, the special feature Forerunners of “The
Twilight Zone, in which Allan Asherman
looks at the early genre anthology programs, the next installment in Dr.
Van Helsing’s Handy Guide to Ghost Stories, plus
a clutch of short stories and the teleplay to the original series episode “Time
Enough At Last.” See you back soon!